FlyGermania is an independent German airline with over 30 years of corporate history. On short- and medium-haul flights, the airline flies with the green and white logo every year more than 3 million passengers. From 20 departure airports in Europe, Germania offers connections to more than 55 destinations within the continent, North Africa and the Middle East. Contrary to the trend, the airline offers the proven service on board with free snacks, soft drinks, magazines and at least 20 kilograms of free luggage. In the business model, Germania unites the areas of scheduled, charter and works traffic. Together with the Swiss Germania Flug AG and the Bulgarian Eagle, the Germania fleet currently comprises 29 aircraft. The maintenance is provided by Germania Technik Brandenburg. bietet kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung FlyGermaniaGutscheincode und beste Deals für Ihre nächste einkaufen, um Ihnen Geld zu sparen.
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