was founded in 2013 as a special sneaker shop for limited and special sneakers. Our goal is simple, we want happy customers finding the right shoes for everyday. Sneakerworld offers a large range of sneakers from different Brands like: Adidas, New Balance, Asics, Nike, Supra, Reebok, Puma, Arkk Copenhagen and Submarine London in the sneaker shop. If we get some limited releases, we will let you know when they go online, just subscribe our Newsletter or check out our social media. Our Team consist of passionated sneaker collectors, so we choose every single pair with attention to details, materials and colors. We are proud to be on top with latest releases and latest trends. It’s our first and only goal, we want that everyone get what he’s looking for. So if you don’t see something right for you in our range, just let us know and we try to restock your item. Thank to our passion for fashion and streetwear we propose only best style solutions. Sneakerworld was founded to bring back, good and quick service for people who loves sneakers, like we do.
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